perpetual events

Want to find a snorkelling buddy?

While the JMS Care Group is unable to organise snorkelling events (due to Vic Parks rules and regulations), the good news is that there is well established Facebook group – Snorkelling Naarm (Melbourne) – that is open to all. Many of the members of this group snorkel at Jawbone. Simply join and put the word out there for a buddy.

Alternatively (or as well), come along to one of our organised events listed below and meet other members.

Protect the Crystals – show your support

The Crystals are a popular swimming and snorkelling spot along the rock wall west of Williamstown Beach. This area has high conservation value but was left out of the original Jawbone Marine sanctuary, largely for ease of enforcement reasons. A campaign to extend the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary to include the Crystals is underway. To understand more about the value of marine reserve, see this article from Marine protected areas for dive tourism.

Upcoming EVENTS

Wednesday 12 March - winter talk #1: Jack Breedon: “From humble beginnings at Jawbone to the Great Barrier Reef.”

Jack, Marine Biologist and Ecologist turned science communicator and filmmaker, started his fascination with the marine world right here in the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary as a kid.

Since leaving Williamstown to study, Jack has worked right around eastern Australia in Marine science and marine management roles. He has spent 8 of the last 10 years on the Great Barrier Reef.

“Record coral cover on the GBR”? “Mass devastation from bleaching”? “Great Barrier Reef corals are adapting”? “The Great Barrier Reef is Dead”?

It’s getting harder and harder to sift through the information about the reef in our media these days. Without living or working on the Reef it is nearly impossible to understand what is going on. Jack talks through some of the information, what are the reliable sources and shares the skills required to fully understand what is going on in the far north.

  • Where: Newport Community Hub, Room 1, 13 Mason Street. Look for the Jawbone Flag.

    Parking available at the rear off Derwent Street.

  • Time: 6:30pm for a cuppa & chat, talk starts at 7 pm

  • Registration: The talk is free, but please register your attendance via (will take you to the GiveNow site).

Wednesday 11 June - Dani Cotoli Gomez

Dani is a snorkel and dive instructor who has a small expeditions and clothing company called "Protect what you Love" that seeks to inspire people to protect all forms of wildlife. His love of the ocean stems from his curiosity and fascination with the close symbiotic relationships found across coral reefs. Dani credits the ocean for giving him countless moments of joy and treasured memories for life. As a result of his curiosity and gratitude, he explores reefs obsessively and increasingly dedicates his time to educating others and trying to protect these ecosystems. In this talk he will share some gems.

  • Where: Newport Community Hub, Room 1, 13 Mason Street. Look for the Jawbone Flag.

    Parking available at the rear off Derwent Street.

  • Time: 6:30pm for a cuppa & chat, talk starts at 7 pm

  • Registration: The talk is free, but please register your attendance via (will take you to the GiveNow site).

Wednesday 23 july - Jan carrey on Marine pets

Jan Carey is a marine ecologist, now retired. After an undergraduate degree in Zoology, she worked as an environmental consultant for 18 years, undertaking marine monitoring projects and contributing to Environmental Effects Statements for industry or local water authorities. She then did a PhD on the statistical assessment of impacts in marine environments at the University of Melbourne, where she wound up in a teaching and research position focussed on marine ecology, biostatistics and environmental problem solving. These days she wanders the Williamstown wetlands photographing birds, is a member of the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group – and plays the ukulele.

This talk will focus on marine pests.

  • Where: Newport Community Hub, Room 1, 13 Mason Street. Look for the Jawbone Flag.

    Parking available at the rear off Derwent Street.

  • Time: 6:30pm for a cuppa & chat, talk starts at 7 pm

  • Registration: The talk is free, but please register your attendance via (will take you to the GiveNow site).

Wednesday 27 august - the snorkel sisters’ story

The Snorkel Sisters, Kate and Fi, snorkel and dive whenever they can. They share a love and respect for all things ocean and will share some of their experiences and fabulous underwater pics.

Listen to a 4 min ABC radio interview: Snorkel sisters fight to protect The Crystals reef at Williamstown

  • Where: Newport Community Hub, Room 1, 13 Mason Street. Look for the Jawbone Flag.

    Parking available at the rear off Derwent Street.

  • Time: 6:30pm for a cuppa & chat, talk starts at 7 pm

  • Registration: The talk is free, but please register your attendance via (will take you to the GiveNow site).

past events

Sunday 16 February - Clean Up The Crystals - in water and on land

Event organised by Protect What You Love.

Let's clean up our local beach, dive site and surroundings!

Clean up equipment and support provided on the day and some awesome Protect What You Love prizes to be won.

SATURDAy 1 february - underwater photography course with robert gardIner

Robert is an environmental scientist who has been very lucky to have worked across all of Australia, PNG, some Great Lakes in NZ and the UK. Volunteering with numerous NGOs, Universities and National Parks, Robert has been able to use his enthusiasm for marine and nature photography to join several field trips and expeditions and work as a dedicated marine diver and photographer. He is an ex-Naval instructor and is always very keen to mentor and encourage anyone to pick up a camera and become a marine citizen scientist.


  • 10am-12pm: photography lesson at Greenery Cafe (30 Ferguson St, Williamstown)

  • 12-2pm: practice photography at the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

Bring your own camera or borrow one of Robert's - email him your needs at, he's very helpful.

You will be able to take photos in rock pools or in standing depth water. If you wish to go snorkeling during this event, do so at your own risk. JMSCG will not be providing any advice or guidance for any snorkeling activities you choose to undertake.

SUNDAY 12 January - Point Cook Community Day 

  • 10.00 am: meet at the beach side of the Homestead. Acknowledgement of Country and terrestrial safety and marine protected area briefing.

  • 10.15 am: Introduction to the Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary including beachcombing and snorkelling. Includes how to read the wind and selecting the best snorkelling spots.

  • 10.45 am: Snorkelling safety briefing.

  • 11.00 am: Begin snorkelling during which time you could participate in the Great Victorian Fish Count and removing Northern Pacific Seastars.

  • 12.00 noon: Return to the beach.

  • 1.00 pm: BBQ lunch.

SATURDAy 11 January - underwater photography course with robert gardener

Robert is an environmental scientist who has been very lucky to have worked across all of Australia, PNG, some Great Lakes in NZ and the UK. Volunteering with numerous NGOs, Universities and National Parks, Robert has been able to use his enthusiasm for marine and nature photography to join several field trips and expeditions and work as a dedicated marine diver and photographer. He is an ex-Naval instructor and is always very keen to mentor and encourage anyone to pick up a camera and become a marine citizen scientist.


  • 10am-12pm: photography lesson at Greenery Cafe (30 Ferguson St)

  • 12-2pm: practice photography at the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

Bring your own camera or borrow one of Robert's - email him your needs at, he's very helpful.

You will be able to take photos in rock pools or in standing depth water. If you wish to go snorkeling during this event, do so at your own risk. JMSCG will not be providing any advice or guidance for any snorkeling activities you choose to undertake.

Sunday 8th December - members only event - Jawbone fish count

Take part of the Great Victorian Fish Count snorkelling at Jawbone. Please note this event is limited to 20 participants, so register early to secure your spot. And if you cannot make it on the 8th, see below :)

If you’re not yet a member, and wish to join us for the fish count, register to become a member at A free lunch will be served afterwards, see the next event. If you come to both, please register to both to help us with the organisation and catering.

Sunday 8th December - members only event - Christmas Lunch

Our free Members’ Xmas lunch is on and is for members only. If you’re not yet a member, register to become a member at, come enjoy a free lunch and meet other members!

Saturday 16 November to Sunday 15 December - the Great Victorian Fish Count (GVFC)

The GVFC has been running since 2002, led by the Victorian National Parks Association in partnership with Museum Victoria, Parks Victoria, Coastcare Victoria, Redmap, local dive operators and local community groups.

Subscribe to the GVFC mailing list to stay up to date with news about the Fish Count.

The data collected is uploaded to the Atlas of Living Australia (an online store for biodiversity data, currently with over 67 million records) to improve our knowledge of Victoria’s marine species.

  • When: from Saturday 16 November to Sunday 15 December

  • Send your results directly to: Kade Mill at

Sunday 1st December 2024 - Community day with Earth Wisdom and Parks Victoria

Join us for a rock ramble with Parks Victoria Ranger, touch tank with JMSCG educators and indigenous games & food with Earth Wisdom. The activities are free and open to all.

Note: If planning to swim please bring all your own recreational supplies. All attendees are responsible for looking after themselves and/or their children.

Sunday 17th Nov - Underwater Photography Course with Robert Gardiner

Robert is an environmental scientist who has been very lucky to have worked across all of Australia, PNG, some Great Lakes in NZ and the UK. Volunteering with numerous NGOs, Universities and National Parks, Robert has been able to use his enthusiasm for marine and nature photography to join several field trips and expeditions and work as a dedicated marine diver and photographer. He is an ex-Naval instructor and is always very keen to mentor and encourage anyone to pick up a camera and become a marine citizen scientist.


  • 10am-12pm: photography lesson at Cafe Cirino (133 Nelson Pl, Williamstown)

  • 12-2pm: practice photography at the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

Robert will have some cameras and possibly other equipment for participants on the day - email him your needs at, he's very helpful.

Sunday 10th November 2024 - Art discovery day with Margaret Salt and Debbie Qadri

This will be an opportunity for you to take part in some guided art workshops at Jawbone marine sanctuary. It will be designed for people who are new to creative arts and people with previous experience.

  • Everything you need will be supplied on the day

  • Followed by a BBQ

  • Free event

Margaret Salt is not only a practicing artist, she is also an educator, delivering, amongst others, large scale exhibition themed painted rooms for family activities, Art & Dementia training workshops around Australia and Art workshops around the globe. She also runs a monthly drawing group, with model, now in its 11th year, at her home in Nungurner.

Debbie Qadri is a local artist who has worked with many communities in the West on public art projects and taught art to both adults and children. She works across many mediums including ceramics, painting, fabric, writing and cartoons. She laughs a lot and you'll have fun!

This activity is supported by the Hobsons Bay City Council community fund.

Wednesday 6th November 2024 - AGM and Pizza & Movie Night

Everyone (member or not) is invited to the Jawbone Marine Care Sanctuary Care Group AGM (light on formalities) and oceans film night.  Dinner and drinks are provided.

Get involved by putting your hand up to be on the committee.  Your commitment can be as big or small as you wish to make it and it is a great opportunity to have your say and meet like-minded people keen to help others appreciate our beautiful Jawbone Sanctuary. We run a committee meeting every 2 months where we discuss our activities and how to provide value to our members. 

Sunday 13th October 2024 - "Meet the Scientist" at Jawbone

A free event that includes three speakers and a BBQ lunch.

Scientists are:

  • Kade Mills, Marine Scientist Vic Parks

  • Ross Caley, Geologist, Geological Survey, Dept Energy, Environment & Climate Action. Ross captivated us at a winter talk last year.

  • Sady Webb, a zoologist by formation and long time Jawbone MS Care Group member.

September 20th to 23rd 2024 - The Great Southern BioBlitz

On iNaturalist, submit as many observations as you can from the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary, or other spots on our Bay, in Victoria, or from anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere.

An opportunity to showcase our beautiful biodiversity to the world by participating in this global citizen science project.

Full details at

September 1st to 30th 2024 - The Great Global Nurdle 2024

Join volunteers around the world between the 1st – 30th September and take part in the world's biggest nurdle hunt! Help collect important evidence of nurdle pollution, highlight the scale of this global issue and show decision makers you want change. Together we can end nurdle pollution!  

This year’s results will be important in helping NGOs call for robust action to address nurdle pollution at negotiations taking place at the United Nations and European Union later in 2024.  

Thursday 19‬‭th September 2024 - iNaturalist workshop

A workshop by Nick Olliff, leader (amongst many other interests) of the Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre’s Citizen Science Team, on how to use iNaturalist in preparation for the Great Southern BioBlitz (see next event). And an opportunity to find yourself a snorkelling/diving buddy for the BioBlitz.

Thursday 8th August 2024 - Winter talk #3 - Robert Gardiner, on the art of underwater photography

Robert is an environmental scientist who has been very lucky to have worked across all of Australia, PNG, some Great Lakes in NZ and the UK. Volunteering with numerous NGOs, Universities and National Parks, Robert has been able to use his enthusiasm for marine and nature photography to join several field trips and expeditions and work as a dedicated marine diver and photographer. He is an ex-Naval instructor and is always very keen to mentor and encourage anyone to pick up a camera and become a marine citizen scientist.

Thursday 11th July 2024 - Winter talk #2 - Leon Altoff on Marine Invertebrates of the Jawbone Sanctuary

Leon will talk about the marine invertebrates of the Jawbone sanctuary's intertidal zone which have been observed by the Marine Research group over the past 37 years of surveys conducted in the reserve.

Leon joined the Marine Research Group in 1996.  Making use of photographic skills he started to build a collection of images for the group. In 1997 he commenced volunteer work at Museums Victoria in the Marine Invertebrates collection helping to maintain the collection.  In 2002 Leon created a book on all victorian chiton species.  In 2006 along with numerous others he drove the updating of the 1984 Atlas of Victorian Marine Invertebrates previously published by the MRG. He is currently working on identifying and producing a guide on intertidal sponges and analysing 60 plus years of MRG data.

Sunday, 30th June 2024 - Friends of Williamstown Wetlands planting day at Jawbone Reserve

We shall be planting indigenous plant material in conjunction with Parks Victoria.  Bring your rain gear and gloves in case of showers, and wear sturdy shoes.

Friday 21st June 2024 - Seaworks Winter Solstice Festival

Saturday 15th June 2024 - 2 events: 1. Earth Wisdom Gratitude Ceremony & Lunch, 2. Film and Native Foods

The Earth Wisdom group who have recently done a couple of indigenous gratitude ceremonies at Jawbone Marine Sanctuary invite you to participate in an Ancient Gratitude Ceremony, Enjoy Native Foods and watch a wonderful Film: Earth Wisdom Film and Native Foods - Check the Film Trailer

Your Guides: Stevie Thorpe (Gunai) and Robby Mac (Celtic)
Wonderful guides with years of experience working with ELDERS from around Victoria and NSW. You will feel supported, safe and held in this important ceremony and if you join us for lunch well nourished.
Acknowledgement: We pay our respects to the Boonwurrung Nation and ELDERS and the continuing custodianship of country they hold 

Thursday 13th June 2024 - Winter talk #1 - Dr Jan Carey on "The Red, Brown & Green - Waving the Flag for Seaweeds"

Jan Carey is a marine ecologist, now retired. After an undergraduate degree in Zoology, she worked as an environmental consultant for 18 years, undertaking marine monitoring projects and contributing to Environmental Effects Statements for industry or local water authorities. She then did a PhD on the statistical assessment of impacts in marine environments at the University of Melbourne, where she wound up in a teaching and research position focussed on marine ecology, biostatistics and environmental problem solving. These days she wanders the Williamstown wetlands photographing birds, is a member of the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group – and plays the ukulele.

Wednesday 10 April 2024 - Documentary film Learn to Connect to Country

The Earth Wisdom group who recently ran an indigenous ceremony at Jawbone Marine Sanctuary and prepared a lunch with indigenous ingredients will be showing this documentary filmed at Wilsons Prom. The film features indigenous elder Wayne Thorpe (Gunai custodian), as he explores and reignites the "old ways" of looking after family including Mother Earth, and ways to connect to country and nature.

The evening will include a presentation by the host Film Producer Robby Mac who has worked with First Nations people for over 20 years.

Watch the film trailer here

Sunday 7th April - Friends of Williamstown Wetlands Activity Day at the Jawbone Arboretum

This will be a Bird Walk and Preparation for Planting day organised by the FOWW team. Jawbone Flora and Fauna Reserve provides an important habitat for many species including seabirds and shorebirds.

BYO gloves, sunscreen, sunhat, and binoculars if you have them, and wear sturdy shoes on the day. Parking is available in Mullins Court. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the event.

March 16th (Saturday) - Clean up activity in Conservation area - Members only

With permission from Parks Victoria we will enter the conservation area to clean up litter and help preserve this important migratory bird habitat.

March 3rd (Sunday) - Friends of Williamstown Wetlands Inc. Clean Up Australia Day activity

The Paisley Challis wetland, formed by the restructure of two urban stormwater drains, is an attractive wetland that filters pollutants from local stormwater and provides a valuable bird habitat.

February 10th (Saturday), 2024 - Great Victorian Fish Count (try 2)

The theme is respect your elders. We're shining a light on all the incredible long-lived fish that live in Victorian waters, like the Long-snouted Boarfish.

February 24th (Saturday), 2024 - Earth Wisdom Cultural Ceremony & Native Foods Lunch on deepening connection to country and nature

Led by Gunai man and chef Stevie Thorpe and Ally Robbie McDowell, this will include a traditional indigenous gratitude ritual that focuses on deepening connection to country and nature, followed by a breakfast with indigenous ingredients. The ingredients will include saltbush, sea blight, samphire and pig face, all of which are common on the shores of Port Phillip Bay.

December 14 (Thursday), 2023 - Members Christmas party at the Jawbone Arboretum. BBQ and a big bowl of party sweets provided. BYO. Prize for the best hat.

December 5, 2023 - Earth Wisdom film night: Learn to Connect to Country

Following on from a recent event at Jawbone Marine Sanctuary where the Earth Wisdom indigenous education group hosted a gratitude ceremony and provided a breakfast that included indigenous ingredients, the Earth Wisdom group are hosting a film night at the Newport Community Hub, focused on Learning to Connect with Nature.

Snacks will be available that feature indigenous ingredients, like salt-bush popcorn, strawberry gum ice cream and lemon myrtle soda.

December 9, 2023 - Cancelled because of the weather - Great Victorian fish count at Jawbone. Outing setup by ParksVics and ranger Jill Wheeler.

From October 27 to November 5, 2023 the Spring Sea Slug Census is running- Whether you prefer to stick to the shore and go for a rockpool ramble or head out into deeper waters snorkelling or diving, keep your eyes peeled for sea slugs. Every image uploaded helps us learn more about these amazing molluscs.

Snap a photo anywhere along the Victorian coast and upload it to the iNaturalist Melbourne Sea Slug Census Oct-Nov 2023 project.

November 16, 2023: Annual General Meeting and Oceans Film Night
Open to all members, family and friends, and is a FREE event.

After some brief formalities, we will be serving a light meal with drinks followed by some short films on our fabulous oceans. We have had a great year of activities and talks and hope to continue, with your support.

Details of the meeting and general notices have been emailed directly to all members. If you haven’t received them, email

November 12 (Sunday), 2023 - Indigenous cultural ceremony and breakfast. This activity, hosted by Earth Wisdom, is a great opportunity to experience First Nations culture at Jawbone Marine Sanctuary.

Led by Gunnai man Stevie Thorpe, the event will begin with a morning Gratitude Ceremony, followed by a short coastal walk identifying bush-foods, a Native Foods breakfast and yarning circle.

Thanks to the City of Hobsons Bay for supporting this event with funding from their Make It Happen grants program.

October 25 (Wednesday), 2023 - Winter talk #4 - Andrew Christie on Asian shore crabs, a newly invasive marine pest species, at Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary; the story so far.

Andrew is a lecturer in the Bachelor of Agriculture & Technology program at Melbourne Polytechnic’s Epping campus, specialising in aquaculture. Having had an interest in marine biology since early childhood, he is an avid snorkeler, diver and underwater photographer, and is also president of Marine Care Point Cooke, a friends group devoted to the conservation of the Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary in Melbourne’s west. He is a regular panellist on “Out of the Blue,” a radio show devoted to marine issues, on 3CR Community Radio.

October 14 (Saturday), 2023 - Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre’s Open Day. The day will be full of exciting events with eco stalls, presentations on nature and wellbeing, and children’s activities. There’s a coffee cart and a free sausage sizzle!

September 28, 2023 - Winter talk #4 - Jill Wheeler, a ranger from Parks Victoria, will be delving into the science behind Parks Victoria’s current urchin management program, currently underway in both Jawbone and Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuaries. She will highlight key findings by leading scientists in this space over the last two decades, and the current and future management options to help address the issue of declining algae communities in response to overabundant native purple sea urchins in North Port Phillip Bay.

Jill has spent the majority of her 5+ years working with Parks Victoria as a Ranger with the Williamstown Team, where she has worked closely with the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group. During this time she has also worked with the South Port Phillip and Marine and Coastal Programs Teams, both as a Ranger and as the Marine Diving and Monitoring Officer. Jill has a Masters in Marine Biology and has worked in marine monitoring and community engagement around the world, including in the Seychelles, Mexico and on the Great Barrier Reef.

September 9, 2023 - Environmental Volunteer Showcase - An Hobson’s Bay council community event.

August 24, 2023 - Marine Science Seminar and Panel Discussion, hosted by Deakin University, about the Decline of kelp forests and macroalgae habitat in Port Phillip Bay, the role of the native purple sea urchin, and how we’re using this research to bring back an important ecosystem.

A seminar hosted by local radio celebrity, Dr. Peter Beech (aka Dr Beach), an Honorary Associate Professor at Deakin University and a long time presenter on Triple R’s Radio Marinara program.

August 24, 2023 - Winter talk #3: Nick Olliff (B Sc Hons, M Mgt Econ, Dip Visual Arts) will present the results of the current Sea Slug Census and also introduce us to iNaturalist.

After working at the National Institute of Oceanography as a geophysicist and as an Officer in the Defence Force, Nick spends his retirement volunteering as the rescue boat skipper in the local sailing club, scuba diver in several citizen science programs, and leading Hobsons Bay Wetlands Centre’s Citizen Science Team. Nick brings experience in leadership roles in environment groups both in Australia and overseas.

An amazingly funny and instructive video about nudibranchs

A few links Nick shared:



July 27, 2023 - Winter talk #2: Dr Ross Cayley on “The Geology of Williamstown and the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary”.

Dr Ross Cayley, Senior Geologist Geological Survey of Victoria (DEECA). The overgrazing of our native sea urchins has exposed some interesting volcanic formations just offshore in Williamstown, and Ross will tell us about some of the latest research into the Newer Volcanics around Melbourne. He’ll tell us about the volcano that the basalt lava at Williamstown erupted from, when that happened, why it was inevitable that particular eruption was going to end up in Williamstown, other volcanic features in the region.”

June 29, 2023 - Winter talk #1: Dr Sandy Webb on “Caring for Jawbone”

Sandy is a long time Jawbone MS Care Group member. She talked about the Marine Sanctuary, our Care Group activities, the challenges facing the Sanctuary and explore ideas on how we could care for Jawbone.

June 23, 2023 - 5-10pm - JMSCG stand at Seaworks Winter Solstice Festival

May 20, 2023 - Members only event - Clean-up day at Waders Beach & BBQ.

Apr 22, 2023 - Asian shore crab ramble at Pt Cooke MS

With Andrew Christie. More from:

Apr 22, 2023 - SEA FLOWERS and Lake Stories - FREE event. Cherry Lake Water's Edge, Altona, Access from Millers Road 

March 25, 2023 - Community & family day at the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

Program: Acknowledgement to country, Indigenous stories, Rockpool ramble, Children’s colouring competition and a FREE sausage sizzle. Detailed program (PDF).

March 5, 2023 - Register for the Hobsons Bay clean up Australia day

Jan 26, 2023 - Invasion Day Swim in Williamstown

Jan 14, 2023 - going snorkelling with the Disabled Divers Association, in Altona

Nov 18, 2022 - Book launch at the Newport Community hub: Jawbone Marine Sanctuary and why it’s important.

The book, compiled by one of our long term member and scientist Dr Sandy Webb, has now been launched and is available for sale. Order the book from

Talk: Regular litter watch surveys, by Jill Wheeler

Marine ranger Jill Wheeler talks about current Litter Watch Surveys being undertaken by Parks Victoria and Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group.

Talk: Wader Beach for Birds not Litter, by Pete Smith

Pete Smith of the Friends of Williamstown Wetlands talked about this research project carried out in 2014 and its results.

Mar 1 and 4, 2022 - Jawbone MS hosted two more primary school field trips, with the assistance of several of our members and Parks Victoria.

Feb 18, 2021 - The day after our 5 day lockdown ended..… Jawbone Marine Sanctuary enjoyed hosting a big primary school group, with the support of some JMSCG members and Parks Vic…the kids enjoyed rockpooling, the touch tank and…..the temporary toilets on which they were carefully briefed!

Dec 5, 2020 - We had good conditions and a great turnout for this year’s Great Victorian Fish Count which we held at Jawbone.

On Sunday 8th November 2020 the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group  presented a conversation with Ashwin Naidu, founder of the Fishing Cat ConservancyFishing cats are an amazing and very rare species of cat that have adapted to live in mangroves in…

Nov 8, 2020 the Jawbone Marine Sanctuary Care Group presented a conversation with Ashwin Naidu, founder of the Fishing Cat Conservancy

Fishing cats are an amazing and very rare species of cat that have adapted to live in mangroves in South and South-East Asia

Ashwin established The Cat Conservancy to help protect the fishing cats and their mangrove habitat in Andhra Pradesh in India, and also the communities who live around them - working with the community to find ways to make money without damaging the mangroves has been an important part of this project, ensuring that local people could save the habitat and fishing cats without losing their livelihood.

The cost of the presentation was $10 AUD per person - all funds raised were donated to the Fishing Cat Conservancy.

Winter Talks 2020 Here are videos from these fascinating talks, plus a beautiful presentation on Protecting Jawbone Marine Sanctuary given by Ranger Ellie.

  • Protecting Jawbone Marine Sanctuary - Park Victoria Ranger Ellen explains the intricate connections between the marine species living in Jawbone Marine Sanctuary. Find out how a Parks Victoria ranger works.

Winter talks 2019

  • Jun 27 and Aug 8…Dr Marilyn Olliff spoke on the upcoming Hobson’s Bay Wetlands Centre and Mr Jack Breedon spoke about the Galapagos Islands.

  • Mar 17, 2019 Shared event with VNPA : Sea Slug Census

  • Feb 24, 2019 Underwater Photography workshop with Robert Gardiner

  • Jan 15, 2019 Under the supervision of Dr Hugh Kirkman we undertook a beam trawl at Seaholme Beach.

Oct 25, 2018 Matt MacArthur and Sandy Webb gave a fascinating presentations on diving in Antarctica.

Sept 13 2018 PT Hirschfield gave an outstanding presentation on her life and experiences a diver. PT is an underwater photographer specialising in marine life portraits and marine animal behaviour videos. She shares her images, short films and her 'Scuba Vs Tumour' adventures on her Pink Tank Scuba Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and blog at . She is a monthly columnist for Dive Log Australasia magazine, and in 2017 she led the Project Banjo #RaysAwareness campaign to champion improved regulation regarding the treatment of stingrays throughout Victoria, an initiative which was awarded a Victorian Coastal Award in 2018. While PT loves diving in countries like the Philippines, Fiji, Vanuatu, the Maldives, Solomon Islands and Indonesia, she is even more passionate about sharing the marine life she meets in Victoria's Port Phillip Bay where she dives several times each week. She was recently additionally awarded the overall Australasian Underwater Photographer of 2018 in the Australasian International Dive Expo (AIDE), featuring images taken beneath her favourite local piers. In her presentations, she hopes to inspire a love of life, resilience regardless of what life throws in our direction and a greater sense of awe and wonder about marine life that can develop into an even greater sense of custodianship.

For those who are not familiar with PT, you may be interested in checking out the short 3 minute video:

Oct 18, 2017 Andrew Christie (of Melbourne Polytechnic and the Point Cook Marine Sanctuary Care Group) gave an amazing presentation about our local rays and provided us with information about these wonderful inhabitants of our two local marine sanctuaries. Click here to see his Quick Guide to the Rays of Jawbone Marine Sanctuary

Robert Gardiner’s underwater photography students pics

Dec 2024 members fishcount and Xmas lunch
Nov 2024 Art day at Jawbone

Oct 2024 Science day at Jawbone

Sea urchin shell magic, by Sandy Webb at the Seaworks Winter Solstice Festival

The team of volunteers collecting rubbish in the conservation area

The team of volunteers about to collect rubbish in the conservation area

Graeme, at the top of the hill, collecting rubbish in the Conservation area

Mangrove monitoring

The mangrove monitoring team

Banjo shark in the shallows

Earth Wisdom Cultural Ceremony - Circles

The hat competition contenders at our Xmas Members BBQ

Earth Wisdom sunrise ceremony

Earth Wisdom sunrise ceremony

Earth Wisdom sunrise ceremony - Stevie & Rob

Earth Wisdom sunrise ceremony

Winter talk #3: Nick Oliff on Sea Slug Census and iNaturalist

Winter talk #1: Dr Sandy Webb on “Caring for Jawbone”

Four of our committee members at the Seaworks Winter festival (from right: Sandy, Julienne, Carol, Sandrine)

May 2023 - Waders beach cleanup

March 2023 - Family day where David shared some stories and artefacts

Asian Shore Crabs found at Ricketts Point

April 2023 - Asian Shore Crabs found at Ricketts Point

Training in use of the temporary toilets put in for the big school group on Feb 18….

Feb 2021 - Training in use of the temporary toilets put in for the big school group